Scila Newsletter 2023 Q3

Scila receives Best Risk Management Solution 2023 at the FOW Asia Capital Awards

Scila was honoured with the award for the Best Risk Management solution at the FOW event in Singapore on September 21. This is a credit to our dedicated risk team, and their continuing hard work!

Risk-based surveillance

Scila takes a look at the integration of market risk management, trade surveillance, and anti-money laundering (AML) monitoring in the context of global markets monitoring.

Trader behaviour and risk exposure are linked – how bringing these together can speed up detection of different risks, enabling timely control and accurate reporting. Essential for this are: Real-time and high-quality alerts, intelligent evaluations, supported by well-organised and accurate data. 

Read the article here

Event in Houston – FIA FORUM Commodities

Scila joined the FIA FORUM Commodities event in Houston, Texas, held on September 13th and 14th. The event garnered significant attention, with attendance surpassing previous years, more than doubling in size. 

This event served as a valuable platform for professionals in the commodities markets monitoring business, as well as for them to exchange insights and stay informed about crucial industry developments. 

Key discussions revolved around critical topics such as large position limits and reporting these, a major talking point with our clients in the energy sector and within that market as a whole. This highlights the changes in how different instruments are handled, and guidance being provided by regulators across regions. Scila has been holding a number of interesting discussions with these market participants listening to their take on the situation and the challenges they face. From those discussions we are providing our technical expertise to deliver solutions that are effective today and designed to be adjusted and refined as the market develops and adapts. 

Please get in touch with us to hear more about our Scila Position Limit monitoring solution.

Another was regulatory liability  related to market manipulation with regard to energy trading with regard to the FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), making it clear that manipulation in one market  that was likely to affect the price of another would be sanctioned.